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Stages & Symptoms of HIV


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Asymptomatic The phase when body is symptomless shows no signs of infection present in the body.
Generalized Lymphadenopathy Enlargement of more two or more lymph nodes due to the infection, disease present in the body.


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Unexplained weight loss When there is weight loss without trying. It can be a sign of serious illness present in the body.
Recurrent respiratory tract infections Respiratory tract infection associated with recurrent fever, cough, and sore throat with more than 6 episodes per year.
Herpes Zoster The localized formation of painful blisters or rash due to reactivation of virus-varicella zoster.
Itchy Skin Presence of red blistering skin anywhere on the skin associated with raised body temperature
Fungal Infections Due to weak immune system,higher chances of getting fungal infection are very common in HIV patients. Loss of color, darkening of skin, vaginal discharge, itchy skins are few signs of fungal infection associated with HIV exposure.
Viral Infections Presence of virus in the body having symptoms like fever, cough, cold, sore throat, body rashes, resulting in the weakening of immune system, thus hijacking the complete hold of body’s immunity, making it more vulnerable to other infections.
Angular cheilitis Presence of painful blistering or inflamed, involving one or both corners of mouth. It can be seen in association with presence of candidiasis in HIV cases.
Seborrheic dermatitis Red, scaly patches on skin and scalp due to decrease in the CD-4 count leading to itchy and scaly surface texture.


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Severe weight loss Extreme weight loss without trying because of the presence of severe illness in the body leading to loss of weight more than 5% of full body weight in period of six months.
Unexplained continuous diarrhea Loose stools that persist continue for days. In a person with weak immune system, it can lead to life threatening situation.
Unexplained continuous or intermittent fever Loose stools that persist continue for days. In a person with weak immune system, it can lead to life threatening situation.
Oral candidiasis It is a fungal infection that accumulates in mouth, seen mostly in immunocompromised cases and those who take steroid sprays for asthma. White lesions are noticeable on tongue and inner side of cheeks.
Oral leukoplakia Thick, white Non- cancerous lesion present on gums, cheeks, bottom of mouth and tongue.
Pneumonia Infection of the lungs caused by virus, fungus, bacteria resulting in pus or fluid filled sacs instead of air.
Meningitis Inflammation of the protective covering of the brain and spinal cord due to the viral, bacterial or fungal invasion.
Bone joint infection Musculoskeletalbone and joint infections involving arms and legs.
Bacteremia & septicemia Presence of bacteria in the bloodstream and poisoning of blood.
Necrotizing gingivitis & periodontitis The condition of the gums and other supporting structures of teeth, having ulcerations and necrosis in the affected regions.
Unexplained anemia The condition when body lack healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout, leading to many other disorders and diseases. Unexplained anemia could be due to the presence of any underlying body disorder or disease.
Neutropenia Abnormally low count of white blood cells (Neutrophils) making body vulnerable to infections and diseases.
Thrombocytopenia Abnormally low count of Platelets in blood due to anemia, folate deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, Viral infection- HIV, Epstein Barr, exposure to radiation, chemotherapy, cirrhosis of liver and consuming too much of alcohol.


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Unexplained severe weight loss & wasting Loss of more than 5% of body weight and muscle wasting.
Chronic herpes infection Mostly transmitted through oral to oral contact associated with fever, also called as cold sores.
Candidiasis (wind pipe, lungs) At this stage, candidiasis causes infection of lungs associated with chills and fever, may lead to septic shock.
Tuberculosis Contagious bacterial infection usually affects lungs and can also spread to other parts of body like brain and spine.
Recurrent Severe Bacterial Infections Infections like TB, Pneumonia, Salmonella typhi, occurring more frequently in HIV cases due to weak/ damaged immune system. Nowadays such conditions are less commonly seen because of the effectiveness of HIV treatment.
Pneumonia Infection of the lungs caused by virus, fungus, bacteria resulting in pus or fluid filled sacs instead of air.
Viral infections Presence of virus in the body having symptoms like fever, cough, cold, sore throat, body rashes, resulting in the weakening of immune system, thus hijacking the complete hold of body’s immunity, making it more vulnerable to other infections.
Encephalopathy Damage to brain leading to altered mental state with the presentation of being in state of confusion.
Kaposi Sarcoma Painless purplish spot found genital areas, mouth and lymph nodes.
CNS toxoplasmosis It is a life threatening disease with a high prevalence of cerebral abscess in immunocompromised cases like in HIV. It can develop when absolute CD4 count is less than 100 u/L.
Mycosis A fungal infection that is initially confined to skin, resulting in skin rashes and abnormal vaginal discharge, then invades bones, organs and ultimately affects the whole body.
Lymphoma Cancer of lymphatic system that is a part of body’s defense mechanism, associated with weight loss and enlargement of lymph nodes.
Cardiomyopathy Heart muscle dysfunction leading to heart failure.
Nephropathy Damaged blood vessels of kidney leading to Collapse of normal kidney function and ultimately to kidney failure.
Septicemia Bacterial entry into the blood leading to blood poisoning, resulting in organ failure and death.
Carcinomas Cancer of tissues and lining of internal organs.
Cryptosporidiosis Parasitic infection caused by cryptosporidium. This parasite when enter the human body succeeds in making niche in the intestine walls thus resulting in continuous vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cramps and sudden weight loss.